County: | Marion | |
Address: | ||
Address Remarks: | City Park W 2ND ST and LOCUST ST | |
City: | Peabody | |
Zip: | ||
Parcel ID: | ||
Legal Description: | ||
Legal Description Remarks: | ||
Latitude, Longitude 1: | 38.166119452615 -97.1143040411535 | |
Latitude, Longitude 2: | 38.16599 -97.1129945077785 | |
Latitude, Longitude 3: | 38.1650015743458 -97.114275777348 | |
Latitude, Longitude 4: | ||
Datum: | WGS84 |
Historic Name: | City Park - Athletic Fields | |
Alternate Name: | Susan B. Jones Memorial Sports Complex | |
Historic Function: | Recreation and Culture | |
Subcategory: | Sports Facility | |
Historic Function Remarks: | Baseball and football fields built in 1937, complete with stone bleachers behind home plate and parallel to the football field. | |
Present Function: | Recreation and Culture | |
Subcategory: | Sports Facility | |
Present Function Remarks: | Continues to serve its original function. The local high school uses these fields. | |
Residential/Commercial/Religious Style: | Other | |
Secondary Style: | ||
Barn Type: | Not Applicable | |
Bridge Type: | ||
Landscape Type: | ||
Physical Description/Remarks: | ||
Plan Form: | Rectangle | |
Commercial Building Type: | Not Applicable | |
Roof Form: | Not Applicable | |
Stories: | ||
Condition: | Good | |
Principal Material: | Stone | |
Condition Remarks: | Stone walls and bleachers surround ball fields. | |
Architect/Designer/Builder: | Works Progress Administration | |
Year of Construction: | 1937 | |
Certainty: | Documented | |
Date Notes: | ||
General Remarks: | Park changes were funded by the WPA. | |
Ancillary Structures: | ||
Ancillary Structure Remarks: |
Name: | City of Peabody |
Address: | 300 N WALNUT ST Peabody KS 66866 |
Address Remarks: |
Listed in State Register: | Contributing |
Date of State Listing: | 11/19/2011 |
Listed in National Register: | Contributing |
Date of National Listing: | 01/20/2012 |
Historic District: | |
Demolished: | |
Date Demolished (if applicable): | |
Potentially Eligible for National Register: | |
Register Status Remarks: | |
Thematic Nomination (MPDF): | New Deal-era Resources of Kansas |
National Historic Landmark: |
Reviewed By: | Amanda Loughlin |
Review Status: | Approved |