Heptig, Joseph, Farm - Barn

Address: 12115 ANTONS RD
Address Remarks:County appraiser lists address in St. George.
City:Flush vicinity
Parcel ID:234-17-0-00-00-001.00-0
Legal Description: NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 17 Township 9S Range 9E
Legal Description Remarks:
Latitude, Longitude 1:39.273674 -96.434401
Latitude, Longitude 2:
Latitude, Longitude 3:
Latitude, Longitude 4:
Historic Name:Heptig, Joseph, Farm - Barn
Alternate Name:
Historic Function:Agriculture/Subsistence
Subcategory:Agricultural Outbuilding
Historic Function Remarks:Heptig Farm-Barn built by Joseph Heptig 1883 (according to date stone). Joseph was grandfather of current owner's husband.
Present Function:Agriculture/Subsistence
Subcategory:Agricultural Outbuilding
Present Function Remarks:
Residential/Commercial/Religious Style:
Secondary Style:
Barn Type:Vernacular
Bridge Type:Not Applicable
Landscape Type:Not Applicable
Physical Description/Remarks:TIMBER-FRAME STRUCTURE; Barn is large 2-story stone structure with gable roof. Plan configuration is center aisle with granaries in SE corner. No stalls or stanchions extant. Haymow on upper. Center aisle has large arched openings on each end; N end has been infilled with block. Windows are distinguished by peaked lintels/hoods and dressed sills. Date stone is inscribed "J. Heptig 1883." Stone is in deteriorated condition with bracing extant on N and W sides.
Plan Form:Rectangle
Commercial Building Type:Not Applicable
Roof Form:Gable
Principal Material:Stone
Condition Remarks:Restoration of deteriorated stone ca.2012.
Architect/Designer/Builder:Heptig, Joseph (builder)
Year of Construction:1883
Date Notes:
General Remarks:
Ancillary Structures: Other
Ancillary Structure Remarks:1) house comprised on one-half of the original farmhouse (half was moved to adjacent farm for home) w/ attached garage addition; 2) small frame shed w/ pyramidal roof; 3) implement shed open to S
Name:Heptig, Mike
Address: 8390 ROCKENHAM RD Saint George KS 66535
Address Remarks:
Listed in State Register:Yes
Date of State Listing:08/13/2011
Listed in National Register:Yes
Date of National Listing:10/06/2011
Historic District:
Date Demolished (if applicable):
Potentially Eligible for National Register:
Register Status Remarks:
Thematic Nomination (MPDF):Historic Agriculture Related Resources of Kansas
National Historic Landmark:   
Survey 1
Survey Project Name:Kansas - Historic Barns (HPF 2007)
Sequence Number:295
Surveyed By:Brenda R. Spencer Preservation Planning and Design
Survey Date:10/11/2007
Reviewed By:Amanda Loughlin
Review Status:Approved
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Heptig Farm. BSpencer. 10/11/07.

Heptig Farm. BSpencer. 10/11/07.

Heptig Farm. BSpencer. 10/11/07.

Heptig Farm. BSpencer. 10/11/07.

Heptig Farm. BSpencer. 10/11/07.

Heptig Farm. BSpencer. 10/11/07.

Heptig Farm. BSpencer. 10/11/07.

Heptig Farm. BSpencer. 10/11/07.

Heptig Farm. BSpencer. 10/11/07.

Heptig Farm. Site Plan. BSpencer. 10/11/07.

Heptig Barn. General view of barn from SE, south/front facade and east facade. BSpencer, 6/20/2011.

Heptig Barn. General view of barn from NW, north/rear facade and west facade. BSpencer, 6/20/2011.

Heptig Barn. West facade (with recent stone collapse in center pending repair). BSpencer, 6/20/2011.

Heptig Barn. Front/south facade. BSpencer, 6/20/2011.

Heptig Barn. Date stone in south gable-end inscribed .

Heptig Barn. Typical shaped stone lintel and stone sill at window openings. BSpencer, 6/20/2011.

Heptig Barn. Looking north down center aisle on barn interior, ground level. BSpencer, 6/20/2011.

Heptig Barn. Granaries in SE corner of barn interior, looking SE. BSpencer, 6/20/2011.

Heptig Barn. Former corn crib along west side of barn interior with hewn posts along center aisle (looking N). BSpencer, 6/20/2011.

Heptig Barn. Detail of hand-hewn timber posts and beams in NE corner of barn interior, looking NE. BSpencer, 6/20/2011.

Heptig Barn. Detail of hewn timber posts and beams. BSpencer, 6/20/2011.

Heptig Barn. Haymow, looking N from south end. BSpencer, 6/20/2011.

Heptig Barn. Detail of hay track and pulley in place at interior of roof ridge, used to raise hay into haymow from ground level (with hay fork). BSpencer, 6/20/2011.

Heptig Barn. Stone arch after rehabiltitation tax credit supported masonry repairs. 10/2012.

Heptig Barn. North facade after rehabiltitation tax credit supported masonry repairs. 10/2012.

Heptig Barn. West facade after rehabiltitation tax credit supported masonry repairs. 10/2012.

Heptig Barn. Southwest view after rehabiltitation tax credit supported masonry repairs. 10/2012.
Heptig Barn. National Register Nomination. 06/27/2011. Spencer, Brenda.