6425 SW 6th Avenue . Topeka, KS 66615-1099 . 785-272-8681 . kshs.org
Kansas Historic Resources Inventory Login
Welcome to the Kansas Historic Resources Inventory (KHRI) database! The KHRI is administered by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) at the Kansas Historical Society (KSHS) and is a searchable inventory of the state's surveyed historic properties. This interactive database is intended to serve as an education and reference tool for preservation professionals and the general public, whether registered or non-registered users.
Registered Users are able to enter new or edit existing survey information into the survey database. In order to become a registered user, click here; registration is open to anyone.
Non-Registered Users can search all approved inventory files in the database and print information but cannot enter or edit information. Users may choose to search for specific properties or may use more general criteria to search for categories such as building types and architectural styles. The database can also be used to simply explore the surveyed historic resources in a geographic area.
Surveying is the process of identifying and gathering data on historic resources. It includes recording basic physical and historical information about a property, photographing it, and drawing a site plan. In other words, survey is a means of documenting historic resources and does not automatically result in the listing of a property in the National Register of Historic Places or Register of Historic Kansas Places. For more information on surveying, click here.

Be sure to refer to the Tutorial for detailed instructions on entering information into the KHRI. Contact KSHS at (KSHS.Survey@ks.gov or 785-272-8681 ext. 214), with any questions, and thanks for contributing!
Select one or many:
Address Number:
Street Direction:
Street Name:
Street Type:
Section:   Township:  S   Range:  E   W
Historic Name:
Alternate Name:
Historic Function:
Present Function:
Residential/Commercial/Religious Style:
Roof Form:
Number of Stories:
Barn Type:
Bridge Type:
Landscape Type:
Plan Form:
Principal Material:
Year of Construction: >=    <=  (enter one or both fields)
Remarks contain: (searches all remark fields)
Listed in State Register:
Listed in National Register:
Potentially Eligible for National Register:
Thematic Nomination (MPDF):
National Historic Landmark:
Historic District:
Survey Project:
Surveyed By:
Inventory Number:
Review Status:
Entered by User:
Date Entered: >=    <=  (format: mm/dd/yyyy, enter one or both fields)
Has Photo:
Search:    Last Revision      All Revisions      New Entries

Click a row to view details. Click column headers to sort. Column width and order can be changed by clicking and dragging.

Statewide View Zoom To Search Map Features Get Coordinates Clear Highlight
Use one option:

(include city and state abbreviation)



Latitude:  (ex. 39.12345)
Longitude:  (ex. -95.12345)

Township: South
Range: East: or West:
Select one or many:
Historic Function:
Present Function:
Barn Type:
Bridge Type:
Principal Material:
Year of Construction: >=    <=
State Register:
National Register:
Thematic Nomination (MPDF):
Historic District:
Survey Name:
  Historic Resources
  Scenic Byways
  GLO Lines
  GLO Polygons
  2019 Aerials
  2006 Aerials
  1991 Aerials
  Base Map
* Layer not visible at all scales

State and National Register Status
The Print tool has been disabled while we attempt to fix a bug.
In the meantime, use the browser's print tool to print the whole page,
or use the Snipping Tool (Windows) or cmd-shift-4 (Mac) to create a screenshot of the map.
  • Double-click on the map to display the coordinates at that point.
  • Logged-in users can use the button to auto-paste the coordinates into the latitude / longitude boxes on the enter or edit pages.