County: | Wyandotte | |
Address: | 824 STATE AVE | |
Address Remarks: | ||
City: | Kansas City | |
Zip: | 66101 | |
Parcel ID: | 062-04-0-40-25-005.00-0 | |
Legal Description: | ||
Legal Description Remarks: | Lots 38 to 48, both inclusive, Block 107, Wyandotte City, Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas. | |
Latitude, Longitude 1: | 39.116829 -94.630891 | |
Latitude, Longitude 2: | ||
Latitude, Longitude 3: | ||
Latitude, Longitude 4: | ||
Datum: | WGS84 |
Historic Name: | Horace Mann Elementary School | |
Alternate Name: | Kansas City Junior College | |
Historic Function: | Education | |
Subcategory: | School | |
Historic Function Remarks: | The building functioned as an elementary school through 1939 when it was converted to use by the Kansas City Junior College, which occupied the building until 1968. | |
Present Function: | Domestic | |
Subcategory: | Multiple Dwelling | |
Present Function Remarks: | Horace Mann Lofts (2022) | |
Residential/Commercial/Religious Style: | Late 19th & 20th Century Classical Revival | |
Secondary Style: | ||
Barn Type: | Not Applicable | |
Bridge Type: | Not Applicable | |
Landscape Type: | Not Applicable | |
Physical Description/Remarks: | The Horace Mann Elementary School was designed by Kansas City, Kansas School District architect William W. Rose in a restrained Classical Revival style. Built in 1909, the three-story, symmetrical masonry building features classrooms arranged around a central stair tower and specialized rooms for manual training and assembly. Elements of the Classical Revival style include engaged pilasters, multi-light windows, a rusticated stone base, and classical cornice elements. Rose's successor, architect Joseph Radotinsky, designed a 1939 addition to the east end of the building, which blends well with the massing and materials of the original building. 2016 notes: The Horace Mann Elementary School is a three-story building with symmetrical massing and restrained Classical Revival architectural details. The building has tapestry brick walls and limestone and terracotta ornamentation. Squared quarry-faced limestone clads the water table, which covers the first story walls. Projecting bays flank the center of the building. These are distinguished by low, stepped gable parapets and engaged corner pilasters. The parapet above the central bay has a crenellated form. Projecting cornices, brackets, and pilaster capitals of terracotta ornament the façade. The main entrance is centered in the south elevation. Situated atop three limestone stairs, a non-historic aluminum framed storefront door/window system fills the historic doorway. Paired glazed doors surrounded by glazed sidelights and transom comprise the modern assembly. One-and-a-half-story high engaged brick pilasters topped with terracotta capitals flank the main entry. A projecting terra cotta cornice topped with the name of the school, “Horace Mann,” spans the entry. Single window openings with two-over-two double-hung wood windows and fixed transoms define nine bays on the primary (south) elevation. A 1939 addition to the east is set back slightly from the original building and has similar massing, materials and fenestration pattern. A one-story addition on the west side of the building has corrugated metal walls, a corrugated metal roof, and minimal window openings. (Taken from National Register Nomination) 2022: The building has not been altered since last surveyed. | |
Plan Form: | H-Shaped | |
Commercial Building Type: | Not Applicable | |
Roof Form: | Flat with Parapet | |
Stories: | 3 | |
Condition: | Excellent | |
Principal Material: | Brick | |
Condition Remarks: | ||
Architect/Designer/Builder: | Rose, W.W. | |
Year of Construction: | 1909 | |
Certainty: | Estimated | |
Date Notes: | 1939 addition. | |
General Remarks: | ||
Ancillary Structures: | Other | |
Ancillary Structure Remarks: | Late in the 20th century, a detached, one-story metal butler building was added to the west end of the school property. Early in the 21st century, a metal garage was constructed connecting the school and the butler building. |
Name: | HM Apartments LC |
Address: | 8109 Hillside DR WEATHERBY LAKE MO 64152 |
Address Remarks: |
Listed in State Register: | Yes |
Date of State Listing: | 11/19/2011 |
Listed in National Register: | Yes |
Date of National Listing: | 01/20/2012 |
Historic District: | |
Demolished: | |
Date Demolished (if applicable): | |
Potentially Eligible for National Register: | |
Register Status Remarks: | This building is listed in the National Register for its local significance in the areas of architecture and education. |
Thematic Nomination (MPDF): | |
National Historic Landmark: |
Survey 1 | |
Survey Project Name: | Kansas City - Downtown Kansas City, Kansas Survey (HPF 2016) |
Sequence Number: | 212 |
Surveyed By: | Dunleavy, Alison |
Survey Date: | 03/17/2016 |
Survey 2 | |
Survey Project Name: | Kansas City - Downtown Kansas City, Kansas Survey (HPF 2022) |
Sequence Number: | |
Surveyed By: | Ammerman, Cynthia |
Survey Date: | 03/18/2022 |
Reviewed By: | Jamee Fiore |
Review Status: | Approved |