6425 SW 6th Avenue . Topeka, KS 66615-1099 . 785-272-8681 . kshs.org
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Address: 426 MAIN ST
Address Remarks:
Parcel ID:068-34-0-30-01-010.00-0
Legal Description: Section 34 Township 2S Range 12E
Legal Description Remarks:Seneca, Block 84, Lot 13
Latitude, Longitude 1:39.834045 -96.062353
Latitude, Longitude 2:
Latitude, Longitude 3:
Latitude, Longitude 4:
Historic Name:
Alternate Name:Commercial Building
Historic Function:Commerce/Trade
Subcategory:Specialty Store
Historic Function Remarks:2006 NR notes: This two-story brick block was recorded in the 1896 Sanborn insurance map. There was a restaurant to the east with printing on the second floor and a meat market to the west with a dwelling on the second floor. By 1911 the restaurant remained with a drug store to the west. In the 1930s, there was a plumbing and heating business to the east and a clothing store to the west. Dr. H. G. Snyder had his office at 426-1/2 Main in 1932. Snyder was the property owner in the 1930s. J. L. and E. G. Northcott were the property owners in 1954 and 1965.
Present Function:Commerce/Trade
Subcategory:Specialty Store
Present Function Remarks:
Residential/Commercial/Religious Style:Richardsonian Romanesque/Romanesque Revival
Secondary Style:Commercial Style
Barn Type:Not Applicable
Bridge Type:Not Applicable
Landscape Type:
Physical Description/Remarks:2006 NR description: This is a rectangular two-story brick Romanesque style commercial block with a flat roof and parapet in a row. The building has a double storefront with a central entrance to the second floor and a side entrance to the west. Ornamentation includes a rough-cut stone belt course under the second floor window sills, two projecting round brick arches above the windows with stone end blocks, a central window with flat arched lintel. The second floor is divided by projecting brick piers and there is paneled and corbelled eave brick detailing. The first floor storefront bulkheads and transom have been covered with black art glass. There is a modern glazed metal storefront entrance door flanked by metal display windows with triple display windows to the east. There is a modern metal entrance door to the second floor. The second floor window openings have been reduced and filled with 1/1 wooden double­ hung sash.
Plan Form:Rectangle
Commercial Building Type:Two-Part Commercial Block
Roof Form:Flat with Parapet
Principal Material:Brick
Condition Remarks:
Year of Construction:1895
Date Notes:Between 1889-1896, according to Sanborns.
General Remarks:
Ancillary Structures: None
Ancillary Structure Remarks:
Address: 422 MAIN ST Seneca KS 66538
Address Remarks:
Listed in State Register:Contributing
Date of State Listing:
Listed in National Register:Contributing
Date of National Listing:09/07/2006
Historic District:Seneca Main Street Historic District
Date Demolished (if applicable):
Potentially Eligible for National Register:
Register Status Remarks:
Thematic Nomination (MPDF):
National Historic Landmark:   
Survey 1
Survey Project Name:Seneca - Historic Resources Survey (2004)
Sequence Number:SK092
Surveyed By:Dale Nimz/Cathy Ambler
Survey Date:07/07/2004
Reviewed By:Amanda Loughlin
Review Status:Approved
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426 Main St. DN. 07/07/04

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